Thursday, 30 May 2013

Book Haul

I have a confession to make: I am obsessed with books. I love to read and I want to buy books all the time. If I didn't have to spend money on food and clothes, I would just spend it on books. Since my study finances came in last week I decided that it was time to go and buy new books. So me and my friend Cora went to lovely Waterstones in Amsterdam to indulge ourselves.

Sigh, I want to live in Waterstones. I hadn't been there for quite a while so I was excited to go. What more ways to enjoy the day than to buy books right?! When I lived in England we had a Waterstones in our town, which was good for me but not so good for my bank account. And the books are so much cheaper in England than The Netherlands as well. I cannot buy new books every two weeks anymore, sad times. However, now buying books is a trip for me and that is also exciting. I ended up buying four books off my to-read list.

I look way too excited in this picture. But these are my lovely new babies! I bought:
  • William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair. A classic that I haven't read yet.
  • T.H. White - The Once and Future King. A book retelling the stories of King Arthur and Merlin, one of my favourite tales of all time.
  • Jasper Fforde - Shades of Grey. This book explains a dystopia where people are ranked by seeing colours. The more colours you see the higher ranked you are. Seems interesting enough for me.
  • Margaret Atwood - The edible woman. I love Atwood's poems so I though I gave her books a try. This book summary starts with: 'Marian is determinedly ordinary, waiting to get married.' Well, I think I will like this book just by this sentence since I'm an romanticist by heart.
I'll let you know how I get on. If you want to follow me on Good Reads, you can :)

Have a good week!

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Over the weekend

This weekend my friend invited me over for her birthday party. I was so excited to get out of the house and see some of my friends. They are the people who I met while studying in Wolverhampton and luckily they are Dutch as well so we can keep in touch like this! She made beautiful food and we had a slumber party and watched Geordie Shore and movies all night. I love doing things like this <3. It was also nice to get out of the house for a while, even though I am SO TIRED now! But it was all worth it.

Ugh, I'm getting hungry again. The night was a tapas evening and she made the most delicious food. Luckily my friend is an amazing cook as well because if I was the one making the food it would not have ended so well. Consequence: we ate until we couldn't walk anymore.

At the end of the evening we all had gave us her presents and then me and some friends stayed over and some friends left. I had an amazing time and I also had time to make a shameless selfie:


Thursday, 16 May 2013

Life's Update pt.3

I cannot more forward
I'm stuck in this dying place.
Close my eyes to catch something
I cannot see, smell or breath.
The earth is moving beneath my feet
Time has turned against me.
My skin is cruel, my lips are weak
My voice is gone, wanting to scream words
or make sounds.
Struggling to keep up, I close my eyes
and breath.
I shall be okay.
I shall be okay.
I shall be okay.

This week was a very rough week. Keep getting so tired and just cry over the smallest things. Placement has been such a struggle that I wanted to give up on everything. But since yesterday I am feeling a bit better. I got a great motivational speech from my mentor at school and now I just need to stay positive and on track. I can do this. This poem expresses all my feelings at this moment, but I promise you that the next posts will be much more up beat and happier! Even though I'm stressed out, some things on the internet just makes you smile and happy. These are some things I've been loving this week:
  • The lovely parcel. I think this is such a great initiative and I can't wait to send something over!
  • Since I am doing a (double) degree for becoming an international English teacher, this made me laugh out loud.
  • I read this just at the right time and agree with everything she says. Amen sister!
  • I absolutely love photography and I think this is a great idea and also creeps me out a little.
  • How to make miso soup!
  • I saw the film Touble with the Curve last week and I absolutely adore it. If you are a fan or feel good movies and baseball, this is your movie.
Have a good week!

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Being a Big Woman

Picture from here

Today I want to talk about body image. I know that I'm not an expert or a professional but I do think it is an important thing to discuss. Lately I have been hearing to much about body images and it makes me so angry sometimes. I truly believe that our world these days (even over the last decade) is obsessed with skinny women. But like, really skinny women. And I don't understand why. First of all, being skinny does not mean that you're healthy, it doesn't mean that you're better than others and it definitely doesn't mean that you're more beautiful than bigger women. Although these are just plain simple truths, the media keep pushing people to go on a diet and especially celebrities are being pushed "to set an example". And what example is that? That's right, being skinny.

I decided to do some research. I read an article in Psychology magazine called 'Why too big? Why we should stop being obsessed about weight'. The article explains that women who are a little bigger are being bullied by other, intentionally or unintentionally. Because the media sets us with an example, women who don't look like that are not accepted according to the magazine. And I agree. The other day I was in a shop to look for summer stuff for my holiday and they didn't have my size on the rack and the lady who was helping me carefully asked me that maybe I should look at the 'plus size' section. This is so insulting! First of all, I am 1.80 m (5.9") and I weigh 80 kilo (176 pounds). According to the BMI index, I am still perfectly fine on the scale. Maybe a little to the right side (the bigger side shall we say) but perfectly fine. And then some little skinny brat has the nerve to say that to me. I am a size 12/14 people! Anyway, what I am trying to say is that people should stop being so obsessed with being skinny. They seem to forget something that's called a body type. A body type is the types, pear shaped, apple shaped etc. Women have different shapes and they will always have different shapes and sizes. If you a really skinny and small you're okay but if you are a little bigger you are supposed to fit a box that clearly doesn't fit you. And why should we?

Another thing said about bigger women is that they are less happy. I always want to punch people in the face whenever I hear that. I have met bigger women (I am a big woman) and I am perfectly happy. Maybe I am stressed or tired, but that has to do with factors of life (in my case, trying to graduate) and has NOTHING to do with my body weight. I don't even weigh myself that often! I literally haven't met any women that said they're unhappy because they are a little bigger. Most are even proud of it. Stop fitting people in boxes that they (literally) can't fit in and look at their personality. Let's all be kinder to one another shall we? And accept us for who we are. There are of course issues with being a little bigger. According to the Psychology article there are a few factors that indicate that you are too overweight:
  1. When people with obesity have an illness related to/because of their weight, like diabetes/sleeping diseases,
  2. When they get psychological problems related to their weight, like becoming depressed,
  3. They they are unable to perform daily tasks and,
  4. When they get high blood pressure, high cholesterol, devious blood sugar or too much belly fat (although all these problems are able to happen to skinny people as well)
All these issues have to do with whether you are eating heathy and taking exercises. With eating healthily, I mean don't only eat McDonalds or too much products with high fats. This doesn't mean you can't eat chocolate or anything you don't want to, just play it safe. Also with exercise, it doesn't mean going to the gym 5 times a week, or doing exercises every day; just try to walk as much as you can, bicycle somewhere if it's not too far and take the stairs. If you can go to the gym that is good but only because of eliminating changed you might get sick (think of heart diseases or high blood pressure). 

Basically what I'm trying to say: be happy with who you are and what you look like. If you have issues with yourself, always check you insides first (emotions, character trades) and then the way you look. You don't have to be skinny to be happy and you definitely don't have to lose weight then others tell you to. It is your life and if you are happy with the way you look, then sod them!

(I would also like to apologise for the rant, sorry) Have a great week!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Sometimes Good Things Happen to People Who are Stressed Out, Very Tired and Cry a lot.

This weekend my friend and I went to the Japanese Garden in the Hague. The sun was shining, the trains were on time and we were excited. It's so lovely to do something totally different sometimes because it keeps you on your toes and get you inspired.

The garden was lovely, a bit small but unfortunately not everything had blossomed yet. However, we did get some beautiful shots and a good walk around. Then we decided to keep the Japanese theme and get some lunch. We went to one of the most delicious Japanese restaurants ever apparently because the food was am-a-zing. We decided to get some sushi and a bento box. I went for the fish box.

Looking at this food makes me oh so hungry again. It was so delicious! We stayed there for quite a long time because we were just enjoying the food and we also found out that they serve Hello Kitty High Teas so we'll definitely go back there, I mean, how cute does that sound?! Then to round off a perfect day, we went to my friend's sister and did yakitori, which was absolutely amazing. I've never had it before but I'm going to try it whenever I can!

How amazing does that look right?! Needless to say, we had an amazing day.

Yesterday some friends and I celebrated Queensday with having a Ghibli marathon and it was just lovely. And then.. suddenly.... when I went to check my email...

I got accepted to the University of Copenhagen to do my Masters degree!!!! How amazing is that. I am still a bit stunned but this gives me so much motivation to do well this semester and just get it over with, because I am going to Copehagen in the fall. I also booked a divine holiday to Portugal this summer so I only have good things to happen. Which is quite a change from a week ago. I am full of motivation and inspiration and let's get on with the last part of my course!