Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Sometimes Good Things Happen to People Who are Stressed Out, Very Tired and Cry a lot.

This weekend my friend and I went to the Japanese Garden in the Hague. The sun was shining, the trains were on time and we were excited. It's so lovely to do something totally different sometimes because it keeps you on your toes and get you inspired.

The garden was lovely, a bit small but unfortunately not everything had blossomed yet. However, we did get some beautiful shots and a good walk around. Then we decided to keep the Japanese theme and get some lunch. We went to one of the most delicious Japanese restaurants ever apparently because the food was am-a-zing. We decided to get some sushi and a bento box. I went for the fish box.

Looking at this food makes me oh so hungry again. It was so delicious! We stayed there for quite a long time because we were just enjoying the food and we also found out that they serve Hello Kitty High Teas so we'll definitely go back there, I mean, how cute does that sound?! Then to round off a perfect day, we went to my friend's sister and did yakitori, which was absolutely amazing. I've never had it before but I'm going to try it whenever I can!

How amazing does that look right?! Needless to say, we had an amazing day.

Yesterday some friends and I celebrated Queensday with having a Ghibli marathon and it was just lovely. And then.. suddenly.... when I went to check my email...

I got accepted to the University of Copenhagen to do my Masters degree!!!! How amazing is that. I am still a bit stunned but this gives me so much motivation to do well this semester and just get it over with, because I am going to Copehagen in the fall. I also booked a divine holiday to Portugal this summer so I only have good things to happen. Which is quite a change from a week ago. I am full of motivation and inspiration and let's get on with the last part of my course!


  1. I am so happy for you! You got accepted you crazy kid, next time we'll watch another round of ghibli's and get some celebratory drinks + food again just because everything's working out so wonderful for you these days!

    The dish at my sisters' is named Takoyaki (from tako, which is octopus) But hey, whatevs.

  2. I saw Louise's post on your day in the Hague, sounds like you guys had a really nice time! And congratulations on getting accepted for your masters, that's amazing. Super excited that you're going to Portugal as well!
