I decided to blog more this month. I am going on holiday in two weeks (eek excitement!) and since the weather has turned down again, I decided to do an 'up close' fragment of my room. I have some other bits and pieces planned out as well so we'll see how far we go with this shall we?
This is one of my walls in my room. Here I have all kinds of bits and bobs collected over the pasts view years, these are basically all kinds of experiences I've had. You can see (moving from the window on the left) three postcards which have quotes from Jane Austen on it. Since I am a huge Austen fan AND saw them when I visited Bath, I couldn't help myself and bought them. The third one down is the same postcard only then with Alice In Wonderland quotes, which is my favourite book of all time. Then we have three posters bought in the country of origin: The Beatles card from Liverpool, Le Chat Noir from Paris and the Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna. Below that are some pieces that I either got (Rowena Ravenclaw from my chocolate frog when we visited the HP Studios), Sherlock Baker Street Sign from the Sherlock Museum and a gift from a friend - a drawing for my birthday. I love it so much. On the right you can see another birthday gift - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Below that is the Lucy Rose poster that Louise and I got when we went to her concert (she is lovely!). Below that are all my necklaces, I might have a little obsession...

Then in the middle we have all kinds of things I've gathered through my years of travelling (see the American dollar on the board), when we visited museums, special cards I received when I was living in England, some pictures, my 18th birthday sticker and my two gold medals from when I still did synchronized swimming. I am very proud of those actually! Above the board are just all the things I did when I lived in England. We have a large picture of my and my friends when we visited Warwick Castle and around that all kinds of train tickets and things I've visited during my stay in England. I love looking at them and think of all the beautiful things I've done and seen while studying abroad.

This is the wall opposite my bed. Now, I'm not going to get into detail because I have a story about almost all cards on this wall, but I just love love love this wall in my room. Since each card has a story I just love looking at them and be reminded of all the things I've experiences. The dream catchers on my mirror are all from Native American Reservations while traveling in the USA. They were all made by Native Americans and since I believe in dreaming they keep me sane sometimes (sounds weird but they work for me). The two posters on the right are traditional French Parisian posters which I bought almost 10 years ago at a flea market while visiting Paris.

This is my closet wall. I call it a wall because my room has a really high ceiling so it's pretty big. On my closet wall are posters that keep me inspired. On the high left is a black cat poster. Next to that is a pretty large Escher poster, one of my absolute favourite artists. Beneath the cat poster is the piece that I bought on the book market, it's a piece from a children's book, one I read when I was younger. It's in the same style as many Annie M.G. Schmidt books, the drawing is a typically Fiep Westendorp drawing. It just reminds me so much of my childhood, I just love it. Under the drawing is a Clash poster (one of the teenager obsessions I had) but I just can't throw it away. Next to that are two mini postcards I bought whilst in New York, one is from the New Yorker and the other is a old Vogue cover. They are both vintage postcards. Beneath that is a 'keep calm and drink tea' poster that a friend of mine bought for me one day. I love this variation because I like tea. All the way on the bottom is a picture of Audrey Hepburn - one of my favourite movie stars.
So those are some of my walls! I hope you enjoyed seeing a bit of my room and some of my stories and I'll see y'all soon :). xo
Oh woooow! <3 I'm in love with your wall! My room is before the renovation and walls are just covered with floral wallpaper. It's quite pretty, but not very personal, haha. I hope I'll make it in another way too. ;3 Kisses!
Waheey, nice Lau :)