Valentine's Day

This card was found in this shop.
Yesterday was a good day. Not just a normal day, a Good Day. I don't know what it was, but for some reason I just kept smiling and enjoying every minute of it. I went shopping by myself (which I always love) bought some really nice clothes, MAC products and a new fragrance. Then my best friend and I went to the film 'Cloud Atlas' (if you haven't seen it, GO AND SEE IT) and after we went for some delicious wontonsoup at our favourite Chinese place. I love all my new things, the film was a-maz-balls and we had such fun at dinner! And afterwards I heard all kinds of good news from school which makes life a little easier en me not so stressed out and I came home as a bundle of joy.
However, today is Valentine's Day. With capital letters. And that means that over the world, all the single girls cry, the lovely couple enjoy and the government consumes a lot of money. I personally don't really believe in Valentine's Day. Not because I am single and bitter, but because I don't think that we need a day for declarations of love. Do it every day. Tell the people you love them. And tell them often. Why don't we use this day to spread the love a little bit more? It doesn't have to be a reminder of people's single-ness, you just have to see it as Love Day. Like I do. People get so overwhelmed by this day and most of the teenagers are just a mess, and for what? They are still so young. WE are still so young. Stop wanting to find someone that might think you're beautiful and start loving yourself for who you are. I always believed that you can't properly give all your love to someone else and be open if you don't love yourself first. Trust me when I say that you definitely don't need anyone to remind you of it. Yes, it is always nice to hear it, but make sure you don't need it in order to like yourself. I hear so many girls say that they wish they were pretty and thin and cute and nice and have long hair and nice eyes. I'd like for a boy to say those things to me but I'd love it he said that I was smart and kind and courageous and adventurous. They are so many more beautiful things to be called than 'cute' or 'thin'. Why would you want to be thin if you can't really eat what you want? I took a moment today to really think about this. I have had a really hard time in the past concerning myself and now I'm starting to like who I'm becoming and who I surround myself with. So count your blessing people, not your faults. And enjoy 2013's Love Day.
I love this post and its positiveness. Thank you for the marvellous dinner yesterday, and I hereby declarate my Love Day love for you! ;)
ReplyDeleteHave fun next week!