Tuesday, 29 January 2013

2013 Resolutions and Shaping Up

This picture is from here.

I have started school today and boy, I am already freaked out. And I probably should be since this is my last semester before graduating, but honestly, I just want to go to bed and cry and read lots of books and not think about the world. I have to do so much work and I don't know where to begin. I'm sure I'm making more of this than I should, since we only had the first day, but I think they succeeded in scaring us like crazy. None of my rambling now, on to the good things... I have applied to the university of Copenhagen! I am very excited and hoping that I will get in. It took me a while to get all of the documents but alas, I have officially applied for my masters. As if my school life isn't scaring me enough. Anyhow, I wanted to talk to you about 2013 today. I recently found a post which really inspired me and you should all go check it out. 

Now I know most of you made new years resolutions and last Monday was the most depressing day of the week because apparently everyone finds out that they don't succeed in losing weight, getting a boyfriend, working out more etc etc. You know the drill. I think, however, that the key is not to make resolutions to "only" lose weight but to just change your daily way of living. I know this is a tale that most of you heard before, but I really believe in this one. If you want to start off living healthier or losing weight, you need to change your daily routine and applying those measures in that routine otherwise it won't work. Now, I'm gonna tell you a little secret. I am a huge fan of Lauren Conrad. You still okay? I absolutely loved watching The Hills growing up (and living in Holland, dreaming of LA was a favourite pastime of mine) and Lauren Conrad is truly amazing. She has a blog and this post is what I think is gonna help you to keep those resolutions up! Obviously cutting every bit of chocolate and fat out of your diet isn't going to make you happy or getting in shape at all. Because we all need a little fry every once in a while, no denying that. But the recipes are amazing and I have tried the workouts and they work perfectly for me and you can just do it at home. And you can do it! Because this year's mantra is going to be: I can and I will, watch me.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

My little shopping haul

I went to town today and bought these lovely things! On this photo you can find:

  • an Oxford Office notebook. When people tell you that there's no difference in paper, believe me there is. I love this line of notebooks!
  • Sephora Waterproof eye makeup remover. I have tried a lot of different make removers, but this one is really good. It cleans the eye perfectly, you don't get a rash (I am very sensitive with my skin) and since it's specially made for waterproof makeup, you can remove everything.
  • Sephora's double duty exfoliator and mask. I like to rise my skin and this one is a mask AND scrub in one! Save and buy ladies.
  • Sephora's soothing cleaning milk. I don't like makeup remover that has oil in it because it makes your skin really mushy so this one is without oil and perfume, which is great for my sensitive skin and it smells really good.
  • Since school is starting soon, I needed new maps where I can put my papers in and these have roses on them! I didn't have to think twice. There's no brand on it, but I bought them at a department store in my town called V&D.
  • Little stickers so I can organise my papers and maps.
  • A pink lego USB stick! I am totally in love with this one. I mean it's pink, it's lego and it's useful - what more do you need?!
  • And last but not least little sticky notes with panda's riding origami birds (no joke). I have a little obsession with sticky notes so I had to have these ones. Sticky notes are always useful. I also bought these at the V&D.

This is my last week of freedom before I start school next week so I think I'm gonna enjoy this one. It took me a while to get over my breakdown of two weeks ago, but I'm slowly recovering and ready for the next semester. Also, my 21st birthday is next week! I'm going to through a big party so be ready for lots and lots of nice pictures.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained

Yesterday my dad and I went to Django Unchained. And oh my gosh what an amazing film! I must admit that I do have a weakness for Quentin Tarantino because I absolutely love him, so my view is not entirely fair. Because when it comes to films made by Quentin or Woody, I like the movie before I've seen it. Nevertheless, Django was good. Not good, fantastic. Christoph Waltz is absolutely amazing in this film, if you liked him in Quentin's previous movie Inglorious Bastards, you are going to like him even more now. I can totally understand that he won a Golden Globe for his role. Jamie Foxx plays very believable as the slave Django and Samuel L. Jackson will give you the absolute creeps.

The story is about Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz) who is a bounty hunter and buys the slave Django (Jamie Foxx) because he needs to kill three people and Django knows what they look like. These three people are former plantation masters where Django has worked. When they have killed the three men, Django admits that he wants to free his wife Broomhilde (Kerry Washington) who was sold on a action in Mississippi. They eventually find her, although she is now one of the slaves of mister Candy (Leonardo DiCaprio) who is one of the most evil plantation owners of the plantation Candyland (which is of course a very ironic name). They go there with a plan to free her, but obviously everything goes wrong when the upper house slave Stephen (Samuel L. Jackson) finds out why they are there. That is the main storyline. This film is incredibly dark but also hysterically funny. 

Do prepare for a long sit, the film is two and a half hours long but trust me when I say that you will not get bored. This film is incredibly sadistic, humorous, violent and a little dark. Just what you expect from Quentin and if you love his other films, you will love this one too. Watch out because Django is on the loose!

Friday, 11 January 2013


This picture belongs to makemestfu.

So it's 2013. That means that in 20 days I will have lived 21 years. Which is weird. 21 means all grown up and I don't really feel like that at all. I mean, I am excited for what is coming, but I'm not excited to have all the responsibilities. I am excited that I can now legally drink anywhere in the world, except that I don't have the money to go anywhere. In Holland you're already allowed to start drinking at the age of 16, which means that I could already legally drink for 5 years. So that excitement is out of the window.

Yesterday I had an enormous breakdown. I had to write my last essay and I didn't want to do it when I was in England because I was too lazy and too preoccupied with my dissertation. Which meant that on Monday, it suddenly dawned on me that I had to finish it before today and I kind of freaked out. And I can safely tell you that you've never read a worse essay than mine. It went nowhere for so long... At least until I reached my count. And I don't know, I feel like a computer in error stage: nothing going in and nothing going out. I tell myself that I'm not too bothered with it but I am. 

Now that I am becoming a grown up, everything seems to go so fast. I am going to graduate this year and I need to start thinking about "the future". And that's vague and scary and I really just want to live in the moment. Planning your future is hard! So on that note, I am going to start taking 2013 seriously but also try to live in the moment. If you're not excited with what you already have, how can you be excited with what's coming? So, in 2013, I hope you all have the moments of your life - to smile more, stand taller and dream bigger.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Life's Update

This month is going to be a quiet one. Why? Because I don't have to go to school until the 28th of January. Which leaves me a whole month of doing almost nothing. And that's why I have decided to read a lot of books, see of lot of films and go on a few day trips. I have created a Good Reads account to manage all my reading, I'll link you to it when I know how it works. The books that I want to read this month are: Son of Dust by Arnaldur Indriðason, Amsterdam by Ian McEwan, Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, The Gaudi Key by Esteban Martin & Andreu Carranza, The Absolutist by John Boyne and The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafron. Most of these books are quite thick but luckily I am a fast reader so this will be my month's goal! I hope I'll get there. I've already started on the Gaudi Key and it pretty damn good so I'm excited! These are all books recommended by my father since I do not have any money to buy new books. He likes thrillers and drama's (which is usually not my forte) but these books look interesting enough so we'll see.

This months trips to the cinema will be for Pitch Perfect and Les Miserable. I am very excited to see both films since I've already heard so much about them. Luckily my grand parents gave me lots of cinema coupons so I don't have to spend a lot of money.

Other things I'm excited about:

  • The Amsterdam Lights Festival. I am going there tomorrow and I very excited to see my beloved Amsterdam again.
  • Making Sunday Roast. I am going to make Yorkshire Puddings from scratch this Sunday and I hope it'll work!
  • This beautiful website. The pictures in this website are so peaceful and I just stare at them all day long.
  • This necklace. I want it!
  • This would make a beautiful birthday dress. I also love the length!